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《夺冠》: 拼搏,是人生持续的道路

文章来源:英耐企业英语培训 上传时间:2020-09-30 浏览次数:


Chinese biographical sports film Leap, directed by renowned filmmaker Peter Ho-sun Chan, started screening in China Friday.


Starring Gong Li as legendary volleyball coach Lang Ping, the film is a cinematic depiction of the multigenerational struggle of the Chinese women's volleyball team to secure glory for the nation.


讲述女排故事的电影《夺冠》最近上映,掀起了一股观影热潮!电影英语名就一个字——leap。leap 的基本含义是“跳跃”,跟我们熟悉的 jump 有何区别呢?

电影《泰坦尼克号》里的男主角说过一句经典台词:You jump. I jump.你跳,我就跳。这里,动词“jump”泛指“双脚离地,向空中弹起”的动作。再来看 leap 的定义:If you leap, you jump high in the air or jump a long distance. 跳得很高或很远。

可见,leap 这个动作通常需要更大的力量,而且更加突然,可以翻译为“奋力一跃”。所以,jump 泛指任何“跳”,而 leap 指“充满力量的跳跃”。另外,英文中还有一个跟 leap 有关的著名成语:look before you leap。字面意思是你全力投入做某事前,要想想清楚,比喻“三思而后行”。

leap 很好地捕捉了中国女排姑娘们在赛场上敏捷的身影,又隐含了中国女排一次次在各种赛事中夺冠,取得飞跃进步的意义。因此,这里没有直译“夺冠”,这个译法包含了更多背后的故事,包括女排姑娘们的汗水和所取得的傲人的成绩。


1. win the championship/ win (the game)  获得冠军;赢得比赛

Tampa Bay has now won three straight games and can win the championship on Saturday night. 


另外,战胜某人可以说win over sb.

That candidate won me over with her performance in the debate. 那位选手在辩论中的表现胜过了我。

2. become /clinch the champion 获得冠军

At the World Championship, Jack defeated all his opponents and became the champion. 在英雄联盟全球总决赛上,杰克打败对手夺冠。

He clinched the 2007 championship, with six wins and 294.5 points overall. 他在2007年的锦标赛上获得6场胜利,以总分294.5分的成绩夺得冠军。

3. win the gold medal  摘得金牌

He won the gold medal in Athens in 2004. 他在2004年的雅典奥运会上夺得金牌。

4. be awarded the first prize/ place/ gold medal  获得冠军;赢得比赛

Irish student Adam Kelly was awarded the first prize at the 2019 European Union Contest for Young Scientists in Sofia. 爱尔兰学生亚当·凯莉获得2019年欧盟青年科学家竞赛索非亚赛区冠军。

Our company was awarded the first place in the contest of the party organizations. 我们公司在聚会组织竞赛中获得冠军。

She was awarded the gold medal for the 100 metres. 她在100米赛中获得金牌。

5. take/win the first place  排名第一

Among outdoor games football takes the first place in public interest. 在户外活动中,足球项目最受公众喜爱。

He failed to win the first place in the competition. 他在竞争中失去了夺冠的机会。

6. top  登顶榜首;获得第一

The book topped the bestseller list for weeks. 这本书最近几周都是畅销冠军。

7. bear the palm 获奖;获胜

bear the palm字面理解有带上棕榈枝的意思,palm棕榈叶在西方被看做胜利的象征,古罗马以棕榈枝奖赏胜利的斗士,后来bear the palm就变成了“获胜”或“得奖”的意思。

She bore the palm in the Olympic Games held in Sydney。她在悉尼奥运会上获奖了。

8. win/gain laurels 获得冠军,赢得荣誉

laurel /ˈlɒrəl/ 是桂冠、殊荣、月桂树的意思,还可作为动词,表示授予荣誉、使戴桂冠。laurels指用月桂树叶编成的"桂冠"。古代希腊人和罗马人用月桂树的树叶编成冠冕,献给杰出的诗人或体育竞技的优胜者作为奖赏,以表尊崇。这种风尚渐渐传遍整个欧洲,于是laurels代表victory,success和distincion。

laureate /ˈlɒriət/ 可以表示获奖者、荣誉获得者、桂冠诗人,还可作形容词,表示佩戴桂冠的;荣誉的;(花冠、花环)用月桂枝叶编织的。

She has rightly won laurels for this brilliantly perceptive first novel. 她因这部极具洞悉力的处女作小说当之无愧地赢得了荣誉。


look to one's laurels  爱惜名声;保持记录

rest on one's laurels  坐享清福;光吃老本

9. claim/win the title  夺冠

Chinese Super League champion Guangzhou Evergrande rewrote China's soccer history in more than a decade by claiming the title of AFC Champions League on Saturday in Guangzhou, the capital of Guangdong province.


10. claim the victory 夺冠


Rodgers can also claim four victories in the New York Marathon.

11. seal triumph 获得了冠军,取得了胜利

France seal second World Cup triumph with 4-2 win over brave Croatia.


Guarnier sets seal on UCI Women's WorldTour outright triumph.


12. lift the trophy  获胜,夺冠

France lift the trophy as Russia 2018 ends on a high.


我们再回到中国女排,女排姑娘们跳跃击球或防守时,需要充满力量地高高跃起,所以用 leap来指代女排姑娘高高跃起的姿态在合适不过了。



