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文章来源:英耐企业英语培训 上传时间:2021-01-20 浏览次数:

近日“破格公主”姚安娜(Annabel Yao)官宣出道,霸占了各大热搜头条,带着“华为小公主”、“哈佛学霸”、“名媛”等大众所熟知的标签投身娱乐圈;一起看看这些所谓的标签用英文怎么去说吧!


对于“富二代”的英文,很多同学会想到rich second generation. 虽然这种说法可行,但还有一句更为地道的表达 :

born with a silver spoon in one's mouth.

类似于中文里的“含着金汤匙出生”只不过这里用的是silver spoon银汤匙。因为在西方,银汤匙象征“财富”,特别是继承的财富。英文中的固定搭配是:born with a silver spoon in one's mouth。

这个短语用来形容某人"born into a wealthy and privileged family"(出生在一个有钱有势的家庭)。造句:

Annabel was born with a silver spoon in her mouth.

Annabel 出生在一个富裕的家庭。



A socialite is an individual, usually coming from a wealthy, privileged or aristocratic background, who has a high position in society and enjoys spending time attending fashionable social gatherings.



socialite 社交名媛

debutante /ˈdebjutɑːnt/ 上流社会年轻女子

celeb(celebrity的简称) 名流,尤指在演艺界有名气的人



During dinner, the debutantes walk around with their devoted companions and are presented to the master of ceremonies.


我想到两个表达,第一个是make one's first public appearance。


the high-profile businessman has not made a public appearance in more than two months...

既然“公开露面”是make a public appearance,那么“出道”就是第一次公开亮相,即make one's first public appearance。当然,这是动词表达,名词表达直接用one's first public appearance即可,造句:

Her first public appearance seems a bit unsuccessful. 她的出道似乎不太顺利。


这个词来自于法语,发音:/ deɪˈbjuː/ ,表示“首演”、“首次登台”,主语可以是人也可以是物,词性即可做名词,也可做动词,分别造句:

1. She made her debut by releasing a fantastic album.  她发行了一张超棒的专辑,正式出道了。(debut名词用法)

2. Her debut is controversial.  她的出道充满争议。(debut 名词用法)

3. The ballet will debut next month in New York.  这部芭蕾舞剧将于下月在纽约首演。(debut动词用法)

C位出道可以说成:debut in a central role. play a central role in debut.


top student; straight-A student  straight表示连续,straight-A student就是科科都得A的优秀生



娱乐圈更为精准的表达是:show business/showbiz [ˈʃəʊbɪz] career

出道/某人进入娱乐圈 launch sb into show business

For example, Annabel has launched herself into show business.


Huawei Technologies Co. heiress Annabel Yao has launched herself into show business, releasing a video documentary announcing her signing as an entertainment artist with a Beijing-based company.


Styled by the company in a slick, all-black figure-hugging outfit and high heels perched on top of a crown, Yao is described in TH Entertainment’s 17-minute documentary and accompanying poster, released on Thursday, as a “princess who breaks rules”.


“I’ve never treated myself as a so-called ‘princess’,” she says in the video. “I think I’m like most people my age, I have had to work hard, study hard, before I could get into a good school. I also get confused at times and have to try many different things to find my real path in life.”


The 23-year-old shared her excitement on her official account on Sina Weibo – China’s Twitter – saying the signing was a “special birthday present” she had given to herself. Within minutes of posting the announcement, critics stormed the social media platform to mock the daughter of one of China’s richest men for the life of struggle she had presented in the clip.


Yao is the child of Huawei founder and chief executive Ren Zhengfei and his second wife, Yao Ling. She’s already an accomplished academic and ballet dancer, after passing Britain’s prestigious Royal Academy of Dance’s top-level ballet exam at 15 before earning a place at Harvard University to study computer science when she was just 17, according to media reports.


However, the young starlet is not the only member of the family to be firing up the internet. Yao’s half-sister and Huawei’s chief financial officer, Meng Wanzhou, is back in a Canadian court seeking an easing of her bail conditions after her 2018 arrest, at the request of the United States, for suspected bank fraud and violation of sanctions against Iran.


She has been under house arrest since then in Vancouver, and continues to fight extradition to the US, which wants her to stand trial.


In the documentary, Yao spoke of her half-sister, saying she had often received criticism from people who compare her to her incarcerated sister Meng.


“I had often wondered why they said negative things about me and why everyone likes my sister but not me,” she said. “I will use these voices of doubts as my driving force to move forward.”

