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文章来源:英耐商务英语 上传时间:2020-06-04 浏览次数:




“Hi+Name”比较常用“Dear+Name”比较正式,如果是职级很高或者很正式的商函,一般用“DearSir/Madam”,知道姓名的可以用“Dear Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms+姓”;


一般用的问候语为“Hope this mail finds you well", "I hope you are well", "I hope all is well"(有没有想起《三傻大闹宝莱坞》中的All is well), 这些是通用的,比较熟的可以自行发挥或者不加。


“I am writing to you to ......" "This is a quick note to......" "I'm contacting you to inform......" "This email is just to let you know that......" "This is to inform you that......"


"As we discussed,......" "As per......"(根据,参考) “To follow up on our meeting/discussion,......" "Regarding/In regards to......"


“I apologize for ......" "Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience caused,......." "My sincere apology for this unfortunate situation,......"


"We urgently need the following" "We ask that you send us detailed information about......" "Please find my two questions below" "I will appreciate it if you provide......." "It will be very helpful......"


“I didn't quite get your point about......" "Could you please kindly clarify what you would like us to......"(kindly可以使请求的语气更加委婉)


“First reminder!" "Second reminder!" "Third reminder!" "It's just a kind reminder that......"


forward表示转发 "I have forwarded Mary's email to you" "I'm forwarding Joey's resume to you"


"CC'd/CC'ed/copied sb on this email"


“If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.” "I'm looking forward to hearing from you/ your reply."


Warm wishes! Best wishes! Best regards!

另外,在邮件的标题,如果有黑体加粗的“URGENT""ATTN"表示紧急或者需要注意,另外比较常见的缩写:A.S.A.P表示as soon as possible, FYI表示For your information, FYR表示For your reference。

